Start Your Day Right with Mornings with Jesus

When it comes to waking up early in the mornings with Jesus, it is not always easy to leave the comfort of our warm beds and the security of our familiar surroundings behind. But if we begin our mornings purposefully with Jesus, we can start our day on the right note, full of energy, motivation, and devotion throughout the day and at work.

How Morning Devotion Time Helps

Setting aside quiet time in the morning to pray, read Scripture, and listen for God’s voice has so many benefits: 

  • It reminds our spirit and soul of hope instead of focusing on all the things that are wrong with the world. This means that starting the day with Jesus is about reflecting on what matters most in life.
  • It is a spiritual food for us in the remaining part of the day that awaits us. Establishing fellowship with the Creator at the onset of the day endows one with power, serenity, happiness, and consolation.
  • It helps to bring our focus in line with what God wants for our lives and the purpose of our days. We can pray to God to reveal to us the things He wants done in our lives.
  • It leads to the rest of the day and allows an association with Jesus to be built for support through the everyday and the trying.
  • It helps users to create a good spiritual discipline. The moment morning devotion becomes a part of one’s daily routine, it turns into something that is expected, something that one cannot afford to miss.

Ideas on Spiritual Time in the Morning

If the idea of nurturing a lively morning devotion time appeals to your fancy but at the same time seems impossible, start small. Here are some tips:

  1. Start small. Take care not to set far-fetched goals in which you plan on spending one hour with Jesus but settle for 10 or 15 minutes with Him. Although it might be hard and challenging to wake up in the morning and connect with Christ, after some time it becomes a routine that you can add minutes and hours to meet your desire.
  2. Wake up an hour before you normally would. A wake-up of ten or twenty minutes earlier provides a space that is essential in finding time for devotion. Set your alarm accordingly.


  1. Make some effort to look for ways on how you can space your time properly. They include – A devotional, ministry videos, prayers sent on the web, or references to Scripture that can assist in directing your thoughts. There are several useful resources available for parents to utilize; one of these resources is structured and called Mornings with Jesus by Guideposts.
  2. Choose a typical workplace for your design. Choosing a specific place to spend your morning devotions, helps your brain and your spirit to wake up and communicate with God in this special place.
  3. The relationship between the two is not so rigid and one should try out what fits best. Perhaps, writing prayers is most important. Or that reading a passage from the Bible may be comforting. Or just waiting on God in stillness, focusing on Jesus makes more sense to me than the latter. To make it easier, try to give yourself the freedom to customize in aspects that you have found resonate with you in some way.
  4. Be persistent in your efforts, but changeable in your approach. This should not be done to the extent of straining yourself through the night but should make a conscious effort to prioritize morning devotion. It is okay to miss a day or two, not that it will completely ruin the consecutive streak but it will disrupt the pattern.

Several Mornings, Inspiration And Devotion Can Be Embraced

For one to decide that he or she will start each day with fellowshipping with Jesus, it is very transformative. Frankly, even 5-10 minutes makes a huge difference as it readjusts the perspective for the rest of the hours. Reading the Word of God daily, welcoming His presence into our lives, acknowledging our sins and weaknesses, praying for others, expressing thanksgiving – all this prepares our whole person to draw nearer to Him regardless of what adversity or pleasure life offers. The blessings of morning devotion are rare treasures that can be obtained by anyone who opens their hearts to JESUS in the morning as soon as they wake up and change how we go about our business throughout the day.


Daily devotion in the morning, referring to the time of devotion to mornings with jesus, remains amongst the most significant spiritual habits one can cultivate. This allows for a constant connection with Him from the morning hours helps us transition from reliance on Him to reliance on ourselves, and adds the right amount of spiritual devotion to our days. Even if you are starting small with just 10-15 minutes a day, as you rightly pointed out, it can averted and it is something that can make a radical difference as we learn to start the day with wisdom, hope, and power from the Lord. Thus, it is time to wake up with joy and to be filled with the light of the Lord in the morning, and it is time to start bearing the beautiful gift of changing our mornings with prayer, the Word of God, and open hearts. I took this opportunity to tell them that our lives had changed forever.

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