Various spiritual and religious practices have information on several guides that one can have throughout one’s life. However you want to label them – as spirit guides, the angels, ancestors, whatever – the concept is similar: There are good, kind entities out there who want to assist in our spiritual development. But how does one engage with these spiritual agents? As with any sort of relationship, it is important that you get to meet with your guides and this requires effort, time, and energy.
What Are Spirit Guides?
Spiritual agents are discarnate beings who aid in the spiritual experience of an incarnate physical being that is here on the earth plane. They have a more global and liberal view and are into the evolution of our soul. Depending on the type of path a guide is associated with, they can be ancestors, animal guides, angels, archangels, devas, elementals, star people, and many more. They are portrayed as being wise, as giving auspicious clues, as bringing inspiration and concepts, as being the agents of change and self-realization, and as being helpers in times of trouble.
Different traditions use different names for the function, but the goal is the same overall. As you know, many people name their power animals, ascended masters, ancestral spirits, etc., but the idea is to have guides who work for your soul’s highest good.
Establishing links with Your Guide Team
What I realized is that we all have a “guide team”, which is several different beings who are supportive in one way or another. The more you focus your attention on the subtle energy and learn to call upon your guides, the closer you are to the guides. Here are some tips:
- Meditation: Starting and ending each day in silence creates room for the leaders. Request to link to guides, remain perceptive, and observe any feeling, sensation, or impression.
- Divination tools: By utilizing the pendulum, oracle cards, runes, etc., it establishes an object or tool from which guidance comes from. As a caution, indicate that symbols are not unique or messages are not consistent.
- Nature: This means that if you decide to go hiking or camping in some of the most important power spots such as mountains, lakes, or forests, you become energetically vulnerable to the spirits that dwell there.
- Dreams: Say to a guide, ask him/her to come to where you are in a dream. Interpret dreams for purposes of meaning, information, imagery, or motifs such as symbols and recurring characters or animals. Keep a dream journal.
- Pay attention to signs: Look for signs that may be there to tell you that a guide is around. Communications through feathers, the appearance of several digits, or perceiving meaningful songs also point to the presence of spirits.
Well, let me tell you who is on the guide team?
Your first guide is often your higher self or similar spiritual agents who are closely connected to you and is primarily involved in planning your experiences in any given life for your highest evolution. This guide never leaves you alone throughout the different lives. In addition to a main guide, your team likely consists of:
- Ancestral Guides: It refers to blood-related relatives who can share their lessons, talents, or experiences with you. They also perform the roles of protectors and the wise ones or heads of the households.
- Ascended Masters: A more enlightened or spiritual character such as Quan Yin, Jesus, or Buddha who has come to teach a lesson to all of mankind.
- Animal Totems: Power entities such as Eagle, Butterfly, or Bears, endow qualities to develop in you.
- Angels: Angelic forces are not limited and may focus on different spheres of human life, including creativity, health, communication, traveling, personal relationships, and a person’s mission.
- Nature Spirits: A spirit exists in trees, rivers, mountains, forests and so many other things we see around us. Connect when outdoors.
- Star Guides: Higher dimensional beings are there to help with technologies as well as spiritual skills, in applying the learnings throughout planet Earth.
- Higher Self: This is an allegory; this is the highest, wisest part of your soul. Liberate the senses to experience the essence of intuitive cognition.
As you go on in your journey, notice which teachers reveal themselves through the ways of dreaming, visualization, divination, or intuition. Keep your hearts and minds open to Recalibrate, Recharge, and Renew messages, signs, and revelations that are headed your way! In this way, by establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with your guides, you create more light, love, and knowledge in your waking consciousness.
Divine Wordsmith is a spiritual guide and writer, weaving tales of wisdom and insight to inspire inner growth and connection to the divine. Join the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment through the transformative power of words.